Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - Fortified alcoholic drink.
- material used for stiffening something
- noun - excessive sternness; "severity of character"; "the harshness of his punishment was inhuman"; "the rigors of boot camp"
- firm resoluteness in purpose or opinion or action; "a charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity"
- the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment)
- the physical property of being inflexible and hard to bend
- the property of moving with pain or difficulty; "he awoke with a painful stiffness in his neck"
- noun - forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority; "the suppression of heresy"; "the quelling of the rebellion"; "the stifling of all dissent"
- - The fossil root stem of a coal plant of the genus Sigillaria.
- adjective - a person whose body is marked by religious stigmata (such as marks resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ)
- not astigmatic
- pertaining to a lens or lens system free of astigmatism (able to form point images)
- pertaining to or resembling or having stigmata
- noun - a small dagger with a tapered blade
- Heel type for ladies shoe
- Implement for making EYELETS.
- adjective - (of newborn infant) showing no signs of life at birth; not liveborn; "a stillborn baby"
- failing to accomplish an intended result; "an abortive revolt"; "a stillborn plot to assassinate the President"
- noun - (poetic) tranquil silence; "the still of the night"
- a state of no motion or movement; "the utter motionlessness of a marble statue"
- calmness without winds
- motionless
- noun - a pantry or storeroom connected with the kitchen (especially in a large house) for preparing tea and beverages and for storing liquors and preserves and tea etc