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33398 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - someone who engages in sports
  1. noun - someone who engages in sports
  1. verb - convert into spores
  2. produce spores; "plants sporulate"
Spot Cash
  1. - Cash paid or ready for payment at once upon delivery of property purchased.
Spot Pass
  1. noun - a pass to a designated spot on the field; the receiver should arrive at that spot the same time the ball does
Spot Weld
  1. noun - each of the welds made by welding at a separate point
  1. noun - each of the welds made by welding at a separate point
  2. make circular welds; "These pipes are only spotwelded"
  1. noun - a focus of public attention; "he enjoyed being in the limelight"; "when Congress investigates it brings the full glare of publicity to the agency"
  2. a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer
  3. illuminate with a spotlight, as in the theater
  4. move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent; "The introduction highlighted the speaker's distinguished career in linguistics"
  1. adjective - having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture); "a field patched with ice and snow"; "the wall had a spotty speckled effect"; "a black-and-white spotted cow"
  2. lacking consistency; "the golfer hit the ball well but his putting was spotty"
  1. noun - the act of detecting something; catching sight of something
  2. the act of spotting or staining something