Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - An instrument which, placed against the teeth, conveys sound to the auditory nerve and enables the deaf to hear more or less distinctly; a dentiphone.
- noun - a test of the suitability of a performer
- act of being heard when trying out for a task or part
- perform in order to get a role; "She auditioned for a role on Broadway"
- the ability to hear; the auditory faculty; "his hearing was impaired"
- noun - the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
- verb - added to or made greater in amount or number or strength; "his augmented renown"; "a greatly augmented collection of books"
- enlarge or increase; "The recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the Near East"
- grow or intensify; "The pressure augmented"
- - One who, or that which, augments or increases anything.
- noun - an antibiotic; a semisynthetic oral penicillin (trade names Amoxil and Larotid and Polymox and Trimox and Augmentin) used to treat bacterial infections
- - The office, or period of office, of an augur.
August 15
- noun - celebration in the Roman Catholic Church of the Virgin Mary''s being taken up into heaven when her earthly life ended; corresponds to the Dormition in the Eastern Orthodox church
- celebration in the Roman Catholic Church of the Virgin Mary's being taken up into heaven when her earthly life ended; corresponds to the Dormition in the Eastern Orthodox Church
- noun - (Roman Catholic Church) one of the great Fathers of the early Christian church; after a dramatic conversion to Christianity he became bishop of Hippo Regius in North Africa; St. Augustine emphasized man's need for grace (354-430)