Matching Words
33395 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - be a companion to somebody
- be present or associated with an event or entity; "French fries come with the hamburger"; "heart attacks are accompanied by distruction of heart tissue"; "fish usually goes with white wine"; "this kind of vein accompanies certain arteries"
- go or travel along with; "The nurse accompanied the old lady everywhere"
- perform an accompaniment to; "The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano"
- adjective - being in agreement or harmony; often followed by `with'; "a place perfectly accordant with man's nature"-Thomas Hardy
- in keeping; "salaries agreeable with current trends"; "plans conformable with your wishes"; "expressed views concordant with his background"
- verb - (followed by `to') as reported or stated by; "according to historians"
- (followed by `to') in agreement with or accordant with; "according to instructions"
- allow to have; "grant a privilege"
- go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"
- In the opinion of
- noun - a portable box-shaped free-reed instrument; the reeds are made to vibrate by air from the bellows controlled by the player
- verb - approach with an offer of sexual favors; "he was solicited by a prostitute"; "The young man was caught soliciting in the park"
- Greeted
- speak to someone
- verb - be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something; "Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam"
- furnish a justifying analysis or explanation; "I can't account for the missing money"
- keep an account of
- to give an account or representation of in words; "Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental"
- verb - provide with military equipment
- verb - provide with military equipment
- provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military); "troops accoutered for battle"; "properly accoutered for the trip"
- verb - provide with military equipment