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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A picture made up of several smaller pictures, drawn upon separate pieces in such a manner as to admit of combination in many different ways, thus producing a great variety of scenes or landscapes.
  1. - A salt of myristic acid.
  1. noun - type genus of Myristicaceae; tropical Asian evergreen trees with small white or yellow flowers followed by fleshy fruits
  1. - The ketone of myristic acid, obtained as a white crystalline substance.
  1. noun - type genus of the Myrmeleontidae: antlions
  1. - Of or pertaining to Myrmica, a genus of ants including the small house ant (Myrmica molesta), and many others.
  1. unknown - - a follower or subordinate of a powerful person, typically one who is unscrupulous or carries out orders unquestioningly. (archilles led the myrmidons against troy)
  1. noun - small Asiatic tree bearing edible red or yellow fruit
  1. - A dried astringent fruit much resembling a prune. It contains tannin, and was formerly used in medicine, but is now chiefly used in tanning and dyeing. Myrobolans are produced by various species of Terminalia of the East Indies, and of Spondias of South America.
  1. noun - a genus of tropical American trees having pinnate leaves and white flowers