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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the condition in which an organism has two or more cell populations that differ in genetic makeup
  1. - A plant of the genus Adoxa (Adoxa moschatellina), the flowers of which are pale green, and have a faint musky smell. It is found in woods in all parts of Europe, and is called also hollow root and musk crowfoot.
  1. unknown - biting insects
Moss Hart
  1. noun - United States playwright who collaborated with George S. Kaufman (1904-1961)
Moss Pink
  1. noun - low tufted perennial phlox with needlelike evergreen leaves and pink or white flowers; native to United States and widely cultivated as a ground cover
  2. low wiry-stemmed branching herb or southern California having fringed pink flowers
  1. noun - an extremely old-fashioned conservative
  1. noun - German physicist (born in 1929)
  1. - Overgrown with moss; mossy.
  1. - The state of being mossy.
Most Evil
  1. adjective - superlatively evil and wicked