Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A piano having a mechanical attachment which enables the player to prolong the notes at will.
- - The art of forming melody; melody; -- now often used for a melodic passage, rather than a complete melody.
- noun - American song sparrow and swamp sparrow
- noun - antineoplastic drug (trade name Alkeran) used to treat multiple myeloma and some other malignancies
- noun - (Greek mythology) the Muse of tragedy
Melt Down
- verb - reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating; "melt butter"; "melt down gold"; "The wax melted in the sun"
- noun - a disaster comparable to a nuclear meltdown; "there is little likelihood of a meltdown comparable to the American banking collapse in March 1933"
- severe overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor resulting in the core melting and radiation escaping
- noun - melted snow or ice