Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - larva of fungus gnat that feed on cereals and other grains; they march in large companies in regular order when the food is exhausted
- moth whose destructive larvae travel in multitudes
- noctuid moth larvae that travel in multitudes destroying especially grass and grain
- - Belonging to, or resembling, the Arum family of plants (Araceae).
- verb - fill or impregnate with an odor; "orange blossoms perfumed the air in the garden"
- verb - fill or impregnate with an odor; "orange blossoms perfumed the air in the garden"
- noun - a chord whose notes are played in rapid succession rather than simultaneously
- - A sort of hand gun or firearm a contrivance answering to a trigger, by which the burning match was applied. The musket was a later invention.
- verb - accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy
- call before a court to answer an indictment