Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - wood of any of various apple trees of the genus Malus
- - Applicable; also, compliant.
- noun - a device or control that is very useful for a particular job
- durable goods for home or office use
- noun - a person who requests or seeks something such as assistance or employment or admission
- - Applied or put to some use.
- verb - sew on as a decoration
- noun - a decorative design made of one material sewn over another
- sew on as a decoration
- verb - assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to; "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance"
- create and charge with a task or function; "nominate a committee"
- fixed or established especially by order or command; "at the time appointed (or the appointed time")
- furnish; "a beautifully appointed house"
- provided with furnishing and accessories (especially of a tasteful kind); "a house that is beautifully appointed"
- selected for a job; "the one appointed for guard duty"
- subject to appointment