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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - To invent; to contrive.
  1. adjective - showing inventiveness and skill; "a clever gadget"; "the cunning maneuvers leading to his success"; "an ingenious solution to the problem"
  1. noun - the power of creative imagination
  2. the property of being ingenious; "a plot of great ingenuity"; "the cleverness of its design"
  1. adjective - characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious; "an ingenuous admission of responsibility"
  2. lacking in sophistication or worldliness; "a child's innocent stare"; "his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it"
  1. verb - serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
  2. take up mentally; "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"
  1. noun - the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)
  1. unknown - an adjective of ingest- to take or asorb through the body
  1. noun - a corner by a fireplace
  1. - In the form of a globe or sphere; -- applied to nebulous matter collected into a sphere by the force of gravitation.
  1. - Of or pertaining to the ingluvies or crop of birds.