Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a competitive exhibition of horses
- noun - perennial rushlike flowerless herbs with jointed hollow stems and narrow toothlike leaves that spread by creeping rhizomes; tend to become weedy; common in northern hemisphere; some in Africa and South America
- noun - common North American weed with linear leaves and small discoid heads of yellowish flowers; widely naturalized throughout temperate regions; sometimes placed in genus Erigeron
- erect perennial strong-scented with serrate pointed leaves and a loose panicle of yellowish flowers; the eastern United States
- noun - a whip for controlling horses
- whip with a whip intended for horses
- - A West Indian tree (Calliandra latifolia) with showy, crimson blossoms.
- - The condition or quality of being a horse; that which pertains to a horse.
Horsy Set
- noun - a set of people sharing a devotion to horses and horseback riding and horse racing
- - The act of exhorting, inciting, or giving advice; exhortation.
- adjective - giving strong encouragement