Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Having a dry and contracted hoof, which occasions pain and lameness.
- noun - a visible impression on a surface made by the hoof of an animal
Hook Shot
- noun - a basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket
- noun - a nose with a prominent slightly aquiline bridge
- noun - infestation of the intestines by hookworms which enter the body (usually) through the skin
- parasitic bloodsucking roundworms having hooked mouth parts to fasten to the intestinal wall of human and other hosts
- noun - a cruel and brutal fellow
Hoop Pine
- noun - pine of Australia and New Guinea; yields a valuable light even-textured wood
- noun - a skirt stiffened with hoops
Hoot Down
- - To shout down; to cause (a speaker) to cease trying to speak by loud derisive shouts.