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Matching Words

33398 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Home Page
  1. noun - the opening page of a web site
Home Port
  1. noun - the port from which a ship originates of where it is registered
Home Room
  1. noun - a classroom in which all students in a particular grade (or in a division of a grade) meet at certain times under the supervision of a teacher who takes attendance and does other administrative business
Home Rule
  1. noun - self-government in local matters by a city or county that is part of a national government
Home Town
  1. - the town (or city) where a person was born or grew up or has his principal residence; as, he never went back to his hometown again.
  1. - Bred at home; domestic; not foreign.
  1. noun - a farm that supplies the needs of a large estate of establishment
  1. - Felt in one's own breast; inward; private.
  1. adjective - confined usually by illness
  2. people who are confined to their homes
  1. noun - an alcoholic beverage (especially beer) made at home