Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a North American vine with fragrant blossoms and edible tubers; important food crop of Native Americans
- nutlike tuber; important food of Native Americans
- pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms
- noun - Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers
- noun - a system for classifying things into groups
- any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
- the activity of putting things together in groups
- noun - software that can be used by a group of people who are working on the same information but may be distributed in space
- noun - someone who humbles himself as a sign of respect; who behaves as if he had no self-respect
- verb - show submission or fear
- totally submissive
- verb - show submission or fear
- noun - someone who humbles himself as a sign of respect; who behaves as if he had no self-respect
Grow Over
- verb - grow beyond or across; "The ivy overgrew the patio"
- grow in such a way as to cover (a building, for example); "ivy grew over the walls of the university buildings"