Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a specialist in paleontology
- verb - become mentally inflexible
- convert to a fossil; "The little animals fossilized and are now embedded in the limestone"
- adjective - (of limbs and feet) adapted for digging
- - Having, or surrounded by, long, narrow depressions or furrows.
- noun - encouragement; aiding the development of something
- helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community; "they debated whether nature or nurture was more important"
- verb - bring up under fosterage; of children
- encouragement; aiding the development of something
- help develop, help grow; "nurture his talents"
- helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community; "they debated whether nature or nurture was more important"
- promote the growth of; "Foster our children's well-being and education"
Foul Ball
- noun - (baseball) a ball struck with the bat so that it does not stay between the lines (the foul lines) that define the width of the playing field
Foul Line
- noun - a line across a bowling alley that a bowler must not cross
- a line from which basketball players take penalty shots
- lines through 1st and 3rd base indicating the boundaries of a baseball field
Foul Play
- noun - unfair or dishonest behavior (especially involving violence)
- unfair or treacherous behavior (especially involving violence)
Foul Shot
- noun - an unhindered basketball shot from the foul line; given to penalize the other team for committing a foul