Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - The officer in a religious house who had the care of the infirmary.
- - The mechanism for closing the breech of a breech-loading firearm, in artillery consisting principally of the breechblock, obturator, and carrier ring.
Fern Ally
- noun - pteridophytes of other classes than Filicopsida
Fern Palm
- noun - southeastern Indian cycad with palmlike foliage
Fern Seed
- noun - the asexual spore of ferns that resembles dust; once thought to be seeds and to make the possessor invisible
- - A freckle on the skin, resembling the seed of fern.
- adjective - marked by extreme and violent energy; "a ferocious beating"; "fierce fighting"; "a furious battle"
- - Pertaining to Ferrara, in Italy. -- n., sing. & pl. A citizen of Ferrara; collectively, the inhabitants of Ferrara.
- verb - hound or harry relentlessly
- hunt with ferrets
- search and discover through persistent investigation; "She ferreted out the truth"