Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A genus of fossil corals abundant in the Silurian and Devonian rocks, having polygonal cells with perforated walls.
- verb - bestow a privilege upon
- consider as the favorite; "The local team was favored"
- promote over another; "he favors his second daughter"
- treat gently or carefully
- adjective - a competitor thought likely to win
- a special loved one
- appealing to the general public; "a favorite tourist attraction"
- preferred above all others and treated with partiality; "the favored child"
- something regarded with special favor or liking; "that book is one of my favorites"
Fawn Lily
- noun - California dogtooth violet with creamy white flowers sometimes yellow-tinged
FBI Agent
- noun - a special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- adverb - in an alarming manner; "they were fearfully attacked"
- in fear, "she hurried down the stairs fearfully"
Feast Day
- noun - a day designated for feasting
- noun - eating an elaborate meal (often accompanied by entertainment)
- verb - adorned with feathers or plumes
- cover or fit with feathers
- grow feathers; "The young sparrows are fledging already"
- having or covered with feathers; "our feathered friends"
- join tongue and groove, in carpentry
- turn the oar, while rowing
- turn the paddle; in canoeing