Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

33398 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Eye Blink
  1. noun - a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly
Eye Candy
  1. noun - visual images that are pleasing to see but are intellectually undemanding; "he wanted to put some eye candy on their web site"
Eye Chart
  1. noun - a chart that is read from a fixed distance; used as a test of vision
Eye Of Ra
  1. noun - a lion-headed Egyptian goddess; typifies life-destroying power of the sun
Eye Rhyme
  1. noun - an imperfect rhyme (e.g., `love' and `move')
  2. an imperfect rhyme (e.g., `love'' and `move'')
Eye Tooth
  1. noun - one of the four pointed conical teeth (two in each jaw) located between the incisors and the premolars
  1. - The lens, or combination of lenses, at the eye end of a microscope, telescope or other optical instrument, through which the image formed by the mirror or object glass is viewed.
  1. - An object of interest to the eye; one worshiped with the eyes.
  1. verb - look at
  1. - A small annual plant (Euphrasia officinalis), formerly much used as a remedy for diseases of the eye.