Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - give to in marriage
- noun - written declaration made under oath; a written statement sworn to be true before someone legally authorized to administer an oath
- - Capable of being affiliated to or on, or connected with in origin.
- verb - being joined in close association; "affiliated clubs"; "all art schools whether independent or attached to universities"
- join in an affiliation; "The two colleges affiliated"; "They affiliated with a national group"
- keep company with; hang out with; "He associates with strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues"
- noun - a subordinate or subsidiary associate; a person who is affiliated with another or with an organization
- a subsidiary or subordinate organization that is affiliated with another organization; "network affiliates"
- join in an affiliation; "The two colleges affiliated"; "They affiliated with a national group"
- keep company with; hang out with; "He associates with strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues"
- noun - (anthropology) kinship by marriage or adoption; not a blood relationship
- (biology) state of relationship between organisms or groups of organisms resulting in resemblance in structure or structural parts; "in anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans"
- (immunology) the attraction between an antigen and an antibody
- a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character; "found a natural affinity with the immigrants"; "felt a deep kinship with the other students"; "anthropology's kinship with the humanities"
- a natural attraction or feeling of kinship; "an affinity for politics"; "the mysterious affinity between them"; "James's affinity with Sam"
- inherent resemblance between persons or things
- the force attracting atoms to each other and binding them together in a molecule; "basic dyes have an affinity for wool and silk"
- - Closely connected, as by affinity.
- adjective - capable of being affirmed or asserted; "a quality affirmable of every member of the family"
- - Confirmation; ratification; confirmation of a voidable act.
- noun - formation of a word by means of an affix
- the act of attaching or affixing something
- the result of adding an affix to a root word