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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Admonitory.
  1. adjective - expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective
  2. serving to warn; "shook a monitory finger at him"; "an exemplary jail sentence"
  1. - A female admonitor.
Adobe Lily
  1. noun - California herb with pinkish purple flowers
  1. - a California herb (Fritillaria pluriflora) with pinkish purple flowers.
  1. adjective - a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity
  2. being of the age 13 through 19; "teenage mothers"; "the teen years"
  3. displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; "adolescent insecurity"; "jejune responses to our problems"; "their behavior was juvenile"; "puerile jokes"
  4. in the state of development between puberty and maturity; "adolescent boys and girls"
  5. relating to or peculiar to or suggestive of an adolescent; "adolescent problems"
  1. verb - become adolescent; pass through adolescence; "The children are beginning to adolesce around the age of 12"
Adolf Loos
  1. noun - Austrian architect (1870-1933)
  1. noun - a feeling of profound love and admiration
  2. the act of admiring strongly
  3. the worship given to God alone
  1. - Adornment.