Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Yard Goods
- noun - merchandise in the form of fabrics sold by the yard
Yard Grass
- noun - coarse annual grass having fingerlike spikes of flowers; native to Old World tropics; a naturalized weed elsewhere
- noun - a railroad employer who is in charge of a railway yard
- noun - a measure or standard used for comparison; "on what kind of yardstick is he basing his judgment?"
- a ruler or tape that is three feet long
- adjective - operating or continuing throughout the year; "a year-round resort"; "a year-round job"
- adverb - in a yearning manner; "he spent the rest of the act gazing longingly over my right shoulder at the illuminated word `Exit'"
Yeast Cake
- noun - small cake of compressed moist yeast
- - The quality or state of being yeasty, or frothy.
Yellow Man
- noun - offensive term for an Asian man
- offensive term for an Oriental man
Yellow Oak
- noun - medium to large deciduous timber tree of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada having dark outer bark and yellow inner bark used for tanning; broad 5-lobed leaves are bristle-tipped
- medium to large deciduous timber tree of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada having dark outer bark and yellow inner bark used for tanning; broad five-lobed leaves are bristle-tipped