Matching Words
31338 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Water Rice
- - Indian rice. See under Rice.
Water Sail
- - A small sail sometimes set under a studding sail or under a driver boom, and reaching nearly to the water.
Water Skin
- noun - a container of skin for holding water
Water Tank
- noun - a tank that holds the water used to flush a toilet
Water Tree
- - A climbing shrub (Tetracera alnifolia syn. Tetracera potatoria) of Western Africa, which pours out a watery sap from the freshly cut stems.
Water Tube
- - One of a system of tubular excretory organs having external openings, found in many invertebrates. They are believed to be analogous in function to the kidneys of vertebrates. See Illust. under Trematodea, and Sporocyst.
Water Vine
- - Any plant of the genus Phytocrene, climbing shrubs of Asia and Africa, the stems of which are singularly porous, and when cut stream with a limpid potable juice.
Water Vole
- noun - common large Eurasian vole
- of western North America
Water Wing
- - One of two walls built on either side of the junction of a bridge with the bank of a river, to protect the abutment of the bridge and the bank from the action of the current.