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31342 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Same as Tyrotoxicon.
Tzetze Fly
  1. noun - blood-sucking African fly; transmits sleeping sickness etc.
  2. bloodsucking African fly; transmits sleeping sickness etc.
U. S. Army
  1. noun - the army of the United States of America; organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare
  2. the army of the United States of America; the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare
U. S. Code
  1. noun - a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States; is prepared and published by a unit of the United States House of Representatives
U.S. House
  1. noun - the lower legislative house of the United States Congress
  1. noun - a person with great powers and abilities
  1. - Ubiquitous.
  1. noun - any of several quinones found in living cells and that function as coenzymes that transfer electrons from one molecule to another in cell respiration
  1. - Ubiquitous.
  1. noun - the state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once)