Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Any hydroid belonging to the suborder Tubularida.
- - An extensive division of Hydroidea; the tubularians; -- called also Athecata, Gymnoblastea, and Tubulariae.
- - The act of shaping or making a tube, or of providing with a tube; also, a tube or tubulure; as, the tubulation of a retort.
- - Any hydroid which has tubular chitinous stems.
- - Having the form of a small tube.
- - Any one of numerous species of Bryozoa belonging to Tubulipora and allied genera, having tubular calcareous calicles.
Tucker Out
- verb - wear out completely; "This kind of work exhausts me"; "I''m beat"; "He was all washed up after the exam"
- wear out completely; "This kind of work exhausts me"; "I'm beat"; "He was all washed up after the exam"
- noun - a bag used for carrying food; "the swagman filled his tuckerbag"
Tudor Arch
- noun - a low elliptical or pointed arch; usually drawn from four centers