Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Being without joints; jointless.
Acorn Tube
- noun - a small vacuum tube; used at high frequencies
- - A plant which has no cotyledons, as the dodder and all flowerless plants.
- adjective - of or relating to the science of acoustics; "acoustic properties of a hall"
- verb - cause to come to know personally; "permit me to acquaint you with my son"; "introduce the new neighbors to the community"
- having fair knowledge of; "they were acquainted"; "fully acquainted with the facts"
- inform; "Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move"
- make familiar or conversant with; "you should acquaint yourself with your new computer"; "We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings"
- verb - to agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore"
- verb - to agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore"
- adjective - capable of being acquired
- noun - the act of acquiring something; "I envied his talent for acquiring"; "he's much more interested in the getting than in the giving"