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Below are the words that matched your query.

Sneak Away
  1. verb - leave furtively and stealthily; "The lecture was boring and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the balckboard"
  2. leave furtively and stealthily; "The lecture was boring and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the blackboard"
  1. noun - a disposition to be sly and stealthy and to do things surreptitiously
  1. adverb - in a sneaky manner; "I always felt sneakingly that I wanted to be a concert pianist"
  1. adverb - In a contemptuous manner
  2. with a sneer; in an uncomplimentary sneering manner; "`I don't believe in these customs,' he said sneeringly"
  1. noun - any of various plants of the genus Helenium characteristically causing sneezing
  1. - The wood of a South African tree. See Neishout.
  1. noun - Eurasian herb having loose heads of button-shaped white flowers and long grey-green leaves that cause sneezing when powdered
  1. verb - laugh quietly
  1. verb - laugh quietly
Snipe Hunt
  1. noun - an elaborate practical joke in which the unsuspecting victim hunts a snipe and is typically left in the dark holding a bag and waiting for the snipe to run into it; "in the South a snipe hunt is practically a rite of passage"