Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - rejection by means of an act of banishing or proscribing someone
- the state of being banished or ostracized (excluded from society by general consent); "the association should get rid of its elderly members--not by euthanasia, of course, but by Coventry"
Bank Check
- noun - a written order directing a bank to pay money;
- a written order directing a bank to pay money; "he paid all his bills by check"
Bank Clerk
- noun -
- an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money
Bank Draft
- noun - a draft drawn by a bank against funds deposited in another bank
Bank Guard
- noun - a security guard at a bank
Bank Vault
- noun - a strongroom or compartment (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables
- - Having sides inclining inwards, as a ship; -- opposed to wall-sided.
- verb - provide with sufficient funds; finance; "Who will bankroll the restoration of the former East German economy?"
- noun - a legal process intended to insure equality among the creditors of a corporation declared to be insolvent
- a state of complete lack of some abstract property; "spiritual bankruptcy"; "moral bankruptcy"; "intellectual bankruptcy"
- inability to discharge all your debts as they come due; "the company had to declare bankruptcy"; "fraudulent loans led to the failure of many banks"
- verb - reduce to bankruptcy;