Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- unknown - Hawthorn, May, Whitethorn.
- - Constituting, or containing, the essence of a thing; quidditative.
- noun - an evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections
- the essence that makes something the kind of thing it is and makes it different from any other
- noun - a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction; "the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy"
- quiet and inactive restfulness
- noun - a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction; "the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy"
- quiet and inactive restfulness
Quiet Down
- verb - become quiet or quieter;
- become quiet or quieter; "The audience fell silent when the speaker entered"
- verb - become quiet or quieter;
- cause to be quiet or not talk; "Please silence the children in the church!"
- make calm or still;
- reduce sound
- - Of or pertaining to the Quietists, or to Quietism.
- noun - any of several spore-bearing aquatic or marsh plants having short rhizomes and leaves resembling quills; worldwide except Polynesia
- noun - a drug (trade name Atabrine) used to treat certain worm infestations and once used to treat malaria