Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Music Rack
- noun - a light stand for holding sheets of printed music
- noun - the property of sounding like music
- noun - the scholarly and scientific study of music
Musk Sheep
- noun - large shaggy-coated bovid mammal of Canada and Greenland; intermediate in size and anatomy between an ox and a sheep
- noun - a foot soldier armed with a musket
- noun - musketeers and their muskets collectively
- the technique of using small arms (especially in battle)
- noun - a family of North American Indian languages spoken in the southeastern United States
- a member of any of the peoples formerly living in southeastern United States and speaking Muskhogean languages
- noun - any of several varieties of vine whose fruit has a netted rind and edible flesh and a musky smell
- the fruit of a muskmelon vine; any of several sweet melons related to cucumbers
- noun - a morbid fear of mice
- noun - beaver-like aquatic rodent of North America with dark glossy brown fur