Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
- Fraudster, charlatan
- - In an ascending manner.
- adverb - in a mournful manner; "the young man stared into his glass mournfully"
Mouse Deer
- noun - very small hornless deer-like ruminant of tropical Asia and west Africa
Mouse Hare
- noun - small short-eared burrowing mammal of rocky uplands of Asia and western North America
Mouse Nest
- noun - where mice bear and raise their young
Mouse Trap
- - Any device that catches, and usually kills, mice. They are of various designs, the most common being a stiff loop of wire mounted on a small wooden platform base and attached to a strong spring, which holds the loop firmly against the base. To activate the trap, the loop is pulled through a 180rat trap.
- noun - (American football) a play in which a defensive player is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage and then blocked off as the runner goes through the place the lineman vacated
- a trap for catching mice
- - Muslin.
- Soft frothy sweet or savoury dish