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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - equip with armed and armored motor vehicles; "mechanize armies"
  2. make mechanical; "mechanize the procedure"
  3. make monotonous; make automatic or routine; "If your work becomes too mechanized, change jobs!"
  1. noun - (philosophy) the philosophical theory that all phenomena can be explained in terms of physical or biological causes
  2. a natural object resembling a machine in structure or function; "the mechanism of the ear"; "the mechanism of infection"
  3. device consisting of a piece of machinery; has moving parts that perform some function
  4. the atomic process that occurs during a chemical reaction; "he determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions"
  5. the technical aspects of doing something; "a mechanism of social control"; "mechanisms of communication"; "the mechanics of prose style"
  1. noun - a philosopher who subscribes to the doctrine of mechanism
  1. verb - equip with armed and armored motor vehicles; "mechanize armies"
  2. equipped with machinery; "a mechanized factory"
  3. make mechanical; "mechanize the procedure"
  4. make monotonous; make automatic or routine; "If your work becomes too mechanized, change jobs!"
  5. using vehicles; "motorized warfare"
  1. verb - equip with armed and armored motor vehicles; "mechanize armies"
  2. make mechanical; "mechanize the procedure"
  3. make monotonous; make automatic or routine; "If your work becomes too mechanized, change jobs!"
  1. - That branch of science which treats of moving machines.
  1. noun - an antihistamine (trade name Antivert) used to treat or prevent motion sickness
  1. - An alkaloid found in opium, and extracted as a yellow amorphous substance which is easily decomposed.
  1. - A kind of gonophore produced by hydroids of the genus Gonothyraea. It has tentacles, and otherwise resembles a free medusa, but remains attached by a pedicel.
  1. noun - herbs almost entirely of mountains of China and Tibet; often monocarpic