Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a change in the form of a word (usually by adding a suffix) to indicate a change in its grammatical function
- a manner of speaking in which the loudness or pitch or tone of the voice is modified
- deviation from a straight or normal course
- the patterns of stress and intonation in a language
- - Capable of, or pertaining to, inflection; deflecting; as, the inflective quality of the air.
- adjective - incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances;
- incapable of change; "a man of inflexible purpose"
- not making concessions; "took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks"; "uncompromising honesty"
- resistant to being bent; "an inflexible iron bar"; "an inflexible knife blade";
- Rigid stiff
- unchangeable
- adverb - in an inflexible manner; "`You will--because you must!,' Madam told her inflexibly"
- noun - a change in the form of a word (usually by adding a suffix) to indicate a change in its grammatical function
- verb - impose something unpleasant; "The principal visited his rage on the students"
- noun - an act causing pain or damage
- something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness; "washing dishes was a nuisance before we got a dish washer"; "a bit of a bother"; "he's not a friend, he's an infliction"
- the act of imposing something (as a tax or an embargo)
- - Causing infliction; acting as an infliction.
- noun - a monoclonal antibody (trade name Remicade) used to treat Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis; administered by infusion; use and dosage must be determined by a physician
- an anti-TNF compound (trade name Remicade) consisting of an antibody directed against TNF; it is given intravenously at one-month to three-month intervals; used in treatment of regional enteritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- verb - have and exert influence or effect; "The artist's work influenced the young painter"; "She worked on her friends to support the political candidate"
- induce into action by using one's charm; "She charmed him into giving her all his money"
- shape or influence; give direction to; "experience often determines ability"; "mold public opinion"