Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - One opposed to the payment of rent; esp. one of those who in 1840-47 resisted the collection of rents claimed by the patroons from the settlers on certain manorial lands in the State of New York.
- noun - (of non-living objects) the state of being free of pathogenic organisms
- the process of inhibiting the growth and multiplication of microorganisms
- noun - (of non-living objects) the state of being free of pathogenic organisms
- the process of inhibiting the growth and multiplication of microorganisms
- adjective - a substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body tissues
- clean and honest; "antiseptic financial practices"
- devoid of objectionable language; "lyrics as antiseptic as Sunday School"
- freeing from error or corruption; "the antiseptic effect of sturdy criticism"
- thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms; "doctors in antiseptic green coats"; "the antiseptic effect of alcohol"; "it is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities"
- adjective - hostile to or disruptive of normal standards of social behavior; "criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is antisocial"; "crimes...and other asocial behavior"; "an antisocial deed"
- shunning contact with others; "standoffish and antisocial"; "he's not antisocial; just shy"
- unknown - Preventing electrical discharges
- noun - an antilepton of very great mass
- - The doctrine of antitheists.
- - A disbeliever in the existence of God.