Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
In One Ear
- adverb - in a monaural manner; "the stimuli were presented monaurally"
In Passing
- adverb - incidentally; in the course of doing something else; "he made this remark in passing"
In Play(P)
- adjective - of a ball; "the ball is still in play"
In Private
- adverb - kept private or confined to those intimately concerned; "it was discussed privately between the two men"; "privately, she thought differently"; "some member of his own party hoped privately for his defeat"; "he was questioned in private"
In Reality
- adverb -
- used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly;
In Service
- adjective - (of a ship) in active service; "warships will remain in service when not refitting"
In The Air
- adverb - on everybody''s mind; "Christmas was in the air"
- on everybody's mind; "Christmas was in the air"
In The End
- adverb - after a very lengthy period of time; "she will succeed in the long run"
- as the end result of a succession or process; "ultimately he had to give in"; "at long last the winter was over"
In The Raw
- adjective - (used informally) completely unclothed