Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - one species; east Asian low-growing plant of wet places
- noun - a land imagined by Jonathan Swift where intelligent horses ruled the Yahoos
- noun - a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
- noun - masculinity in women (especially in girls and young women)
- noun - common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed by sickle-shaped or circinate edible pods and yielding good timber and a yellow dye and mucilaginous gum
- - a rootlike attachment in parasitic plants that penetrates and obtains food from the host.
Hubble Law
- noun - (astronomy) the generalization that the speed of recession of distant galaxies (the red shift) is proportional to their distance from the observer
- noun - toweling consisting of coarse absorbent cotton or linen fabric