Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Hoi Polloi
- noun -
- the common people generally; "separate the warriors from the mass"; "power to the people"
- - State of being a hoiden.
- noun - any of the forms of Chinese spoken in Fukien province
- noun - genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of tropical Africa and Asia
Hold Close
- verb - hold firmly, usually with one''s hands; "She clutched my arm when she got scared"
- hold firmly, usually with one's hands; "She clutched my arm when she got scared"
Hold Forth
- verb - talk at length and formally about a topic; "The speaker dissertated about the social politics in 18th century England"
Hold Tight
- verb - hold firmly, usually with one''s hands; "She clutched my arm when she got scared"
- hold firmly, usually with one's hands; "She clutched my arm when she got scared"
Hold Water
- verb - resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.; "Her shoes won''t hold up"; "This theory won''t hold water"
- resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.; "Her shoes won't hold up"; "This theory won't hold water"