Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - an infantryman equipped with grenades
- deep-sea fish with a large head and body and long tapering tail
- - A handsome tropical American wood, much used for making flutes and other wind instruments; -- called also Grenada cocos, or cocus, and red ebony.
- noun - A type of fabric, often used in ties
- thin syrup made from pomegranate juice; used in mixed drinks
- noun - any shrub or tree of the genus Grevillea
Grey Alder
- noun - native to Europe but introduced in America
Grey Birch
- noun - medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale grey bark and valueless wood; occurs often as a second-growth forest tree
Grey Friar
- noun - a Roman Catholic friar wearing the grey habit of the Franciscan order
Grey Skate
- noun - common European skate used as food
Grey Whale
- noun - medium-sized greyish-black whale of the northern Pacific
- adjective - of black tinged with grey