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31342 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - an uncontrolled fire in a grassy area
  1. - The state of abounding with grass; a grassy state.
  1. noun - land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life
  1. adjective - fundamental; "the grassroots factor in making the decision"
  2. of or involving the common people as constituting a fundamental political and economic group; "a grassroots movement for nuclear disarmament"
  1. adverb - in a thankful manner; with thanks; "he accepted thankfully my apologies"
  2. with appreciation; in a grateful manner; "he accepted my offer appreciatively"
  1. noun - a network of fine lines, dots, cross hairs, or wires in the focal plane of the eyepiece of an optical instrument
  1. verb -
  2. affording satisfaction or pleasure; "the company was enjoyable"; "found her praise gratifying"; "full of happiness and pleasurable excitement"; "good printing makes a book more pleasurable to read"
  3. make happy or satisfied
  4. yield (to); give satisfaction to
  1. noun - a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation; "he was overwhelmed with gratitude for their help"
  1. noun - a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)
  2. an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation
  1. adjective - costing nothing; "complimentary tickets"; "free admission"
  2. unnecessary and unwarranted; "a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life"
  3. without cause; "a gratuitous insult"