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31342 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Glory Lily
  1. noun - any plant of the genus Gloriosa of tropical Africa and Asia; a perennial herb climbing by means of tendrils at leaf tips having showy yellow to red or purple flowers; all parts are poisonous
Gloss Over
  1. verb - cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error; "Let''s not whitewash the crimes of Stalin"; "She tried to gloss over her mistakes"
  2. cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error; "Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin"; "She tried to gloss over her mistakes"
  3. treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly
  1. noun - pain in the tongue
  1. - Of or pertaining to glosses or to a glossary; containing a glossary.
  1. noun - an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field
  1. noun - a scholiast who writes glosses or glossaries
  1. noun - the property of being smooth and shiny
  1. - Pertaining to both the hyoidean arch and the tongue; -- applied to the anterior segment of the hyoidean arch in many fishes. -- n. The glossohyal bone or cartilage; lingual bone; entoglossal bone.
  1. - The gift of tongues. Farrar.
  1. - The definition and explanation of terms; a glossary.