Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Genus Pipa
- noun - type genus of the Pipidae
Genus Raja
- noun - type genus of the family Rajidae
Genus Rana
- noun - type genus of the Ranidae
Genus Rhea
- noun - type genus of the Rheidae; large tall flightless South American birds similar to but smaller than ostriches
Genus Rhus
- noun - deciduous or evergreen shrubs and shrubby trees of temperate and subtropical North America, South Africa, eastern Asia and northeastern Australia; usually limited to nonpoisonous sumacs (see genus Toxicodendron)
Genus Rosa
- noun - large genus of erect or climbing prickly shrubs including roses
Genus Ruta
- noun - type genus of the Rutaceae; strong-scented Eurasian herbs