Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Somewhat shrubby in character; imperfectly shrubby, as the American species of Wisteria.
Frying Pan
- noun - a pan used for frying foods
- - Eating fucus or other seaweeds.
Fuel Gauge
- noun -
- an indicator of the amount of fuel remaining in a vehicle
Fuel Level
- noun - the amount of fuel remaining
- noun - the lack of enduring qualities (used chiefly of plant parts)
- the tendency of a gas to expand or escape
- noun - an extinct volcano in south central Honshu that is the highest peak in Japan; last erupted in 1707; famous for its symmetrical snow-capped peak; a sacred mountain and site for pilgrimages
- noun - any of the forms of Chinese spoken in Fukien province