Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Free Lunch
- noun - something acquired without effort or payment or obligation; "there is no free lunch in politics or Hollywood"
Free Of(P)
- adjective - not held in check or subject to control; "unhampered dissemination of news"; "this would give black people the opportunity to live unhampered by racism"
Free Press
- noun - a press not restricted or controlled by government censorship regarding politics or ideology
Free Rider
- unknown - Informal. a person who obtains something without effort or cost.
Free State
- noun - a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies
- a province in central South Africa that was colonized by the Boers; named Free State in 1997
- any state prohibiting slavery prior to the American Civil War
- any state prohibiting slavery prior to the Civil War
Free Throw
- noun - an unhindered basketball shot from the foul line; given to penalize the other team for committing a foul
Free Trade
- noun - international trade free of government interference
Free Verse
- noun - unrhymed verse without a consistent metrical pattern
Free World
- noun - anti-communist countries collectively
- adjective - a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them
- serving for wages in a foreign army; "mercenary killers"
- working for yourself