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31342 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - The Tasmanian forty-spotted diamond bird (Pardalotus quadragintus).
  1. verb - send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit; "forward my mail"
  2. the act of sending on to another destination; "the forwarding of mail to a new address is done automatically"; "the forwarding of resumes to the personnel department"
  3. the advancement of some enterprise; "his experience in marketing resulted in the forwarding of his career"
Fossil Oil
  1. noun - a dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons
  1. verb - become mentally inflexible
  2. convert to a fossil; "The little animals fossilized and are now embedded in the limestone"
  3. set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behavior, habits, or beliefs; "obsolete fossilized ways"; "an ossified bureaucratic system"
  1. verb - become mentally inflexible
  2. convert to a fossil; "The little animals fossilized and are now embedded in the limestone"
  1. noun - a specialist in paleontology
  1. verb - become mentally inflexible
  2. convert to a fossil; "The little animals fossilized and are now embedded in the limestone"
  3. set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behavior, habits, or beliefs; "obsolete fossilized ways"; "an ossified bureaucratic system"
  1. verb - become mentally inflexible
  2. convert to a fossil; "The little animals fossilized and are now embedded in the limestone"
  1. - Adapted for digging; -- said of the legs of certain insects.
Foster Son
  1. noun - someone who is raised as a son although not related by birth