Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime; "you've forfeited your right to name your successor"; "forfeited property"
- noun - a penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something; "the contract specified forfeits if the work was not completed on time"
- something that is lost or surrendered as a penalty;
- the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.
- verb - prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening; "Let's avoid a confrontation"; "head off a confrontation"; "avert a strike"
- verb - collect in one place; "We assembled in the church basement"; "Let's gather in the dining room"
- verb - be unable to remember; "I'm drawing a blank"; "You are blocking the name of your first wife!"
- dismiss from the mind; stop remembering; "I tried to bury these unpleasant memories"
- forget to do something; "Don't forget to call the chairman of the board to the meeting!"
- leave behind unintentionally; "I forgot my umbrella in the restaurant"; "I left my keys inside the car and locked the doors"
- adjective - easily excused or forgiven; "a venial error"
- adverb - in an excusable manner or to an excusable degree; "he was excusably late"
Form Class
- noun - one of the traditional categories of words intended to reflect their functions in a grammatical context