Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - One skilled in fluxions.
- noun - meter that measures magnetic flux by the current it generates in a coil
Fly Agaric
- noun - poisonous (but rarely fatal) woodland fungus having a scarlet cap with white warts and white gills
Fly Bridge
- noun - the highest navigational bridge on a ship; a small (often open) deck above the pilot house
Fly Fungus
- - A poisonous mushroom (Amanita muscaria, syn. Agaricus muscarius), having usually a bright red or yellowish cap covered with irregular white spots. It has a distinct volva at the base, generally an upper ring on the stalk, and white spores. Called also fly agaric, deadly amanita.
Fly Orchid
- noun - any of several dwarf creeping orchids with small bizarre insect-like hairy flowers on slender stalks
- any of several dwarf creeping orchids with small bizarre insectlike hairy flowers on slender stalks
- European orchid whose flowers resemble flies
Fly Poison
- noun - all parts of plant are highly toxic; bulb pounded and used as a fly poison; sometimes placed in subfamily Melanthiaceae
- - Marked by, or as if by, the bite of flies.
- noun - the highest navigational bridge on a ship; a small (often open) deck above the pilot house