Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Filmy Fern
- noun - any fern of the genus Hymenophyllum growing in tropical humid regions and having translucent leaves
- any fern of the genus Trichomanes having large pinnatifid often translucent fronds; most are epiphytic on tree branches and twigs or terrestrial on mossy banks
Filter Bed
- noun - filter consisting of a layer of sand or gravel for filtering water
Filter Out
- verb - remove by passing through a filter;
- remove by passing through a filter; "filter out the impurities"
Filter Tip
- noun - an air filter on the end of a cigarette; contains material that filters the smoke
- noun - a state characterized by foul or disgusting dirt and refuse
- moral corruption or pollution; "this deformity and filthiness of sin"
- verb - remove by passing through a filter;
- noun - the act of changing a fluid by passing it through a filter
- the process whereby fluids pass through a filter or a filtering medium
- - Having a fringed border; fimbriate.
- - Fringed; jagged; fimbriate.
- - Having palmate feet. (b) Having lobate toes, as the coot and grebe.