Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Witch Alder
- noun - any of several deciduous low-growing shrubs of the genus Fothergilla having showy brushlike spikes of white flowers in spring and fiery red and orange autumn color; grows from Alabama to the Allegheny Mountains
Witch Broom
- noun - an abnormal tufted growth of small branches on a tree or shrub caused by fungi or insects or other physiological disturbance
Witch Grass
- noun - European grass spreading rapidly by creeping rhizomes; naturalized in North America as a weed
- North American grass with slender brushy panicles; often a weed on cultivated land
Witch Hazel
- noun - any of several shrubs or trees of the genus Hamamelis; bark yields an astringent lotion
- lotion consisting of an astringent alcoholic solution containing an extract from the witch hazel plant
- - The wych-elm. (b) An American shrub or small tree (Hamamelis Virginica), which blossoms late in autumn.
- noun - the art of sorcery
- unknown - Supreme council of England in Anglo-Saxon times. An Anglo-Saxon advisory council to the king, composed of about 100 nobles, prelates, and other officials, convened at intervals to discuss administrative and judicial affairs.
With A Rush
- adjective - without delay; "she tackled the job lickety-split"
With Humour
- adjective - in a humorous manner; "Dickens had humorously suggested a special service of intercession at St. Paul''s Cathedral"
With Reason
- adjective - with good reason; "he is justifiably bitter"