Matching Words
26342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Wiggle Nail
- noun - a small strip of corrugated steel with sharp points on one side; hammered across wood joints in rough carpentry
Wiggle Room
- noun - flexibility of interpretation or of options; "the request left some wiggle room for future restructuring"
Wild Carrot
- noun - a widely naturalized Eurasian herb with finely cut foliage and white compound umbels of small white or yellowish flowers and thin yellowish roots
Wild Celery
- noun - herb of Europe and temperate Asia
- submerged aquatic plant with ribbonlike leaves; Old World and Australia
Wild Cherry
- noun - an uncultivated cherry tree
- the fruit of the wild cherry tree
Wild Coffee
- noun - coarse weedy American perennial herb with large usually perfoliate leaves and purple or dull red flowers
Wild Cotton
- noun - shrub of southern Arizona and Mexico
Wild Crocus
- noun - short hairy perennial with early spring blue-violet or lilac flowers; North America and Siberia
Wild Flower
- noun - wild or uncultivated flowering plant
Wild Garlic
- noun - pungent Old World weedy plant
- pungent Old World wild onion