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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - The sternal, or under piece, of any one of the uromeres of insects and other arthropods.
  1. - Of or pertaining to a natural order (Urticaceae) of plants, of which the nettle is the type. The order includes also the hop, the elm, the mulberry, the fig, and many other plants.
  1. noun - a sensation of having been stung by nettles
  2. an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs
US Congress
  1. noun - the legislature of the United States government
  1. noun - the quality of being able to provide good service
  1. noun - the quality of being able to provide good service
  1. noun - futility
  2. Incompetence
  3. the quality of having no practical use
Ushering In
  1. noun - the introduction of something new; "it signalled the ushering in of a new era"
  1. noun - commonness by virtue of not being unusual
  1. noun - entry to another's property without right or permission
  2. wrongfully seizing and holding (an office or powers) by force (especially the seizure of a throne or supreme authority); "a succession of generals who ruled by usurpation"