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26333 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Tycho Brahe
  1. noun - Danish astronomer whose observations of the planets provided the basis for Kepler's laws of planetary motion (1546-1601)
  1. noun - a family of Nematoda
  1. - Of or pertaining to the tympanum and the hyoidean arch. -- n. The proximal segment in the hyoidean arch, becoming a part of the styloid process of the temporal bone in adult man.
  1. noun - prairie chickens
Type Family
  1. noun - a complete set of type suitable for printing text
  1. verb - cast repeatedly in the same kind of role
  2. identify as belonging to a certain type; "Such people can practically be typed"
  1. noun - typewritten matter especially a typewritten copy of a manuscript
  1. noun - one who sets written material into type
  1. verb - set in type; "My book will be typeset nicely"; "set these words in italics"
  1. noun - hand-operated character printer for printing written messages one character at a time